DEPARTMENT 230 – 4-H STEM CHALLENGE – North Florida Fair


Starts In

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Event Starting Month: 2023-11-02 12:00:00

Current Date and Time: 2025-03-25 14:29:05


ENTRY DEADLINE: Teams MUST pre-register with Chairperson by October 1st

CHALLENGE DESIGN AND BUILD TIME: Saturday, November 11, 2017 10:00AM – 11:30AM


AWARDS PROGRAM: Saturday, November 11, 2017 2:00PM – 3:30PM

2017 THEME: Civil Engineering (Bridge Building)


1. Contest open to 4-H members only.
2. Three teams may enter per county as selected by that county’s Extension representative.
3. Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Divisions will be judged separately.
4. Teams are limited to four (4) participants, but must have a minimum of three (3) participants.
5. Team check in will start at 9:30AM on Saturday, November 11th at the back of Bldg. #3.
6. Theme: Civil Engineering (Bridge Building)
7. Each age division will be given a challenge and a supply kit to engineer a bridge out of everyday objects. Challenges will not be released until 10:00AM.
8. In order to prepare for this contest, coaches should use the study guide to prepare teams.  Teams should be familiar with the following three things: the history of bridges, three main bridge types (beam, arch and suspension) and the natural forces of tension and compression which are common to all bridges and structures.  The study guide contains background information, examples, and activities for coaches to use to prepare their teams.
9. Teams will be asked to demonstrate their bridge in front of the judges and audience, and then give reasons.  Reasons should include the following information: Which base bridge design did you choose, and why did you feel it was best for the situation?  Which modifications did you make and why? How did your team work together to design and build the bridge?  What is your prediction for how well your bridge will perform and why?
10. Adults will not be able to assist members with the design or building of their bridge.
11. All tools and supplies will be provided.
12. What to bring:

a. A copy of your 4-H participation form for each youth and adult.
b. Your teamwork and engineering skills – this is your chance to showcase your creativity, innovation, and collaboration skills!
c. A great 4-H attitude- this is a fun contest to test your skills, learn what other 4-Hers are doing, and show off all of your hard work.  Come ready to have fun and learn!

13. Scoring – each challenge will have its own scoring rubric and will be available when the challenges are released.  Teams will be judged based on how well their bridge design meets the design criteria, as well as their creativity, innovation and teamwork.  Trophies, rosettes and premiums will be awarded to the 1-3rd place teams in each age division.

DIVISION A – JUNIOR DIVISION  Any 4-H’er who reaches his/her 8th birthday by September 1st of the current 4-H year and has not passed his/her 10th birthday by September 1st of the current 4-H year.

DIVISION B –INTERMEDIATE DIVISION Any 4-H’er who reaches his /her 11th birthday by September 1st of the current 4-H year and has not passed his/her 13th birthday by September 1st of the current 4-H year.

DIVISION C – SENIOR DIVISION  Any 4-H’er who reaches his/her 13th birthday prior to September 1st of the current 4-H year and has not passed his/her 19th birthday or graduated from high school prior to September 1st of the current 4-H year.

CLASS 1 : 4-H STEM Challenge Engineering Team

Premium Schedule

1st Place Team – $40.00 & Trophy
2nd Place Team – $32.00 & Rosette
3rd Place Team – $24.00 & Rosette

(Each member of the winning teams will receive a strip ribbon.) Premium Schedule