General Rules – North Florida Fair


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Event Starting Month: 2023-11-02 12:00:00

Current Date and Time: 2024-10-17 18:25:42

WELCOME to the 82nd Annual North Florida Fair
A district Fair serving North Florida to denote the accomplishments of this area in agriculture, education, industry, and recreation, portraying the resources of the following participating counties:

Bay County Hamilton County Madison County
Calhoun County Holmes County Okaloosa County
Dixie County Jackson County Santa Rosa County
Escambia County Jefferson County Suwannee County
Franklin County Lafayette County Taylor County
Gadsden County Leon County Wakulla County
Gilchrist County Levy County Walton County

Gulf County

Liberty County

Washington County

441 E Paul Russell Road
Corner of S. Monroe and Paul Russell
Tallahassee, Florida 32301-6996
(850) 878-FAIR (3247)
Fax (850) 942-6950
E-mail us at: [email protected]

The North Florida Fair Association is a non-profit corporation approved by the Florida State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida as a non-profit, educational organization.

Members of:
Florida Federation of Fairs & Livestock Shows
International Association of Fairs & Expositions



The North Florida Fair provides limited parking space for exhibitors in designated areas within the Fairgrounds. Public parking is available at Tram Road and Capital Stadium.

Restrooms are located on the west side of Building No. 1, East of Building No. 6, and Between Buildings 2 & 4.

Bus and/or taxi service is available at the Monroe Street entrance.

A General Information Booth is located in the center of the concourse between Buildings 3 and 4.

First aid service is available inside Building No. 2 at the rear.

A Lost and Found is maintained at the General Information Booth. This service is free and will be cheerfully given. Please do not ask for the use of the Public Address System to locate ‘lost’ persons except small children and in emergencies, or when school bus drivers and other group leaders desire to announce departure time.

All property of every character, whether entered for exhibit or any other purpose, will be taken into the grounds and buildings and kept entirely at the risk of the owner who assumes all responsibility for loss, damage, or theft. It is distinctly understood that exhibitors, concessionaires, and all other persons, firms, or corporations having property on the grounds and desiring protection from such loss or damage must make their own arrangements therefore.


The North Florida Fair reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and to arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions, or differences in regard thereto. It further reserves the right to amend or to add to these rules as in its judgment necessity dictates and to withdraw all premium offerings in all departments should an emergency exist and circumstances demand it.

The Fair Manager shall be responsible for the sale and have charge of all privileges, concessions, and exhibits of whatever kind or nature they might be, that are on the Fairgrounds.

Space assigned and not occupied 24 hours prior to the opening of the Fair, as well as all fees previously paid, will be forfeited as liquidated damages.

Exhibit space is for the exclusive use of the party with whom contract is made and is positively not transferable or subject to sublease without the written approval of the Manager of the North Florida Fair.

The Manager of the North Florida Fair shall have supervision and control of all exhibits and exhibitions during the Fair, whether in the buildings or grounds, and reserves the right to prescribe the dimension and regulate the position of all signs and exhibits to control the distribution of advertising matter, and generally to secure harmony and attractive appearance. All instructions shall come from him or through authorized officials.

The North Florida Fair reserves the right to cancel at any time, all contracts made with exhibitors or concessionaires (for the will be made) and to cancel all contracts of whatever kind by public notice should an act of Providence, such as war, riot, fire, flood, storm, or pestilence, prevent the holding of the Fair.

The distribution of handbills or other advertising matter is strictly prohibited, and no tacking of advertising bills, cards, etc., is permitted on any of the buildings or else where. Exhibitors may advertise or distribute from their places of exhibit only.

All sound producing apparatus must be of such nature as not to cause annoyance or inconvenience to the other exhibitors or visitors. Permission for use of same must be first obtained from the management. Continued loud public address systems are subject to being banned at the discretion of the Fair Manager.


No article or articles not listed in this premium list will be accepted for competition, and no awards, either cash or ribbons, will be given. However, if there is no classification in the premium list, it may be placed upon exhibition.

All exhibits for the special premiums must be plainly marked stating for what premium the exhibitor is competing. Each exhibitor should study the premium list carefully.

No name shall be shown on exhibits until after exhibits are judged, with the following exception: All exhibits of canned goods must have the name of the exhibitor and address, plainly written on a piece of paper and securely fastened to the underside of the exhibit. This is absolutely necessary. Where special rules are necessary in a department, see rules under that heading.

If any disrespect is shown to the judges by an exhibitor, parent/guardian or agent, he/she shall forfeit all awards made to him/her, and the Superintendent in charge shall report the same to the Fair Manager.

Should it be found that an exhibitor has obtained an award by false evidence or misrepresentation, or by violation of any of the rules of the Fair, said exhibitor shall forfeit all awards.


An entry form must accompany all entries. Use separate form for each department. Please print or type all information. All entry forms must be fully and accurately completed. Incomplete entry forms will be returned to the exhibitor.

Please read special rules in individual department to determine if PRE-REGISTRATION is required and if so, the deadline for mailing. Completed entry forms should be returned to the attention of the Chairperson listed and mailed to 441 E Paul Russell Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-6996. If pre-registration is not required, the entry form should accompany the item or animal when it is brought to the Fairgrounds. See individual departments for registration dates and times.

Additional entry forms available on-line or from Fair Office at 441 E Paul Russell Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-6996. Entry forms may be reproduced, but must be typed or printed in black ink. Entry forms not completed appropriately will be returned.

MANDATORY – New rules for exhibiting or importing Dairy Cattle.  Please see


All exhibits must be placed by 10:00 a.m. on the opening day of the Fair, unless another time is specified under special rules for that department. Please read special rules in individual departments for time exhibits may be removed. Removal of exhibits prior to closing will be reason for forfeiture of any premium monies awarded. Exhibit buildings will be closed promptly at 10:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, Fridays & Saturdays at 11:00 p.m., and Sundays at 9:00 p.m.


On receipt of entries of articles, tags with coupons attached will be filled out showing the number of the Division and Class entered in the Fair. Tags are to be attached to the articles to be exhibited, and the coupons are to be retained by the exhibitor until the close of the department in which the articles are exhibited. The coupons will serve as orders for the articles corresponding in number.


Exhibitors in the Agriculture Departments will be required to label exhibits, giving the name or the variety of specimen or specimens exhibited. The name should be placed in the blank space furnished for the same on back of entry tag.


Exhibitors shall, if required by the Fair Management, make a statutory declaration that the component parts of their exhibits are entered in accordance with the classifications and Rules and Regulations of the Fair.


If there is an absence of competition, or if the exhibits are inferior in quality, awards will be made only at the discretion of the judges.


Exhibitors will be held responsible for the cleanliness of their exhibits and the space surrounding their exhibits.


Ribbons: First, Blue; Second, Red; Third, White. Judges’ decisions are final.


If an exhibitor or his agent shows any disrespect to the judges, he/she shall forfeit all awards made him and the Superintendent in charge shall report the same to the Fair Manager.


Protest must be made in writing and accompanied by an affidavit and $50.00, which sum may be forfeited if the protest is not sustained.


Should it be found that an exhibitor has obtained an award by false evidence or misrepresentation or by violation of any of the rules of the Fair, said exhibitor shall forfeit all awards.


The dismantling of Inside Exhibits will not be allowed until after 8:00 p.m. on closing day. Outside exhibits will not be allowed to dismantle until after 10:00 p.m. on closing day. Vehicles will not be allowed on the inner grounds prior to 12:00 Midnight unless specifically authorized by Fair Management.

No vehicles will be allowed on the concourse until the area is cleared of the general public and vehicle is authorized by the Security Department. There will be no exceptions.

All exhibits MUST be removed from the Fairgrounds by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday following the close of the Fair.


Premiums will be paid from the awards as marked in the judges’ books and not from ribbons that may be attached to exhibits. Ribbons sometimes become misplaced.

Premiums will be paid to winning exhibitors as soon as possible after compiling and checking reports, no later than 30 days from the last date of the Fair.  Premiums will be mailed to the exhibitor at the address given on entry form. All checks for premium monies awarded in connection with the Fair shall be negotiated by the recipient/payee within 90 days from the date of the check, time being of essence. If the recipient/payee fails to timely negotiate said check, all monies due recipient/payee shall belong to the Fair and the recipient/payee shall be deemed to have made an unconditional and irrevocable gift of said monies to the Fair.


Where a special rule under any department conflicts with the general rules, the special rule will prevail.


The North Florida Fair Association Board of Directors established the Lloyd Rhoden Agricultural Scholarship in 1985 in honor of Mr. Lloyd Rhoden, former North Florida Fair Manager and Leon County Extension Director. Two $1,000 scholarships are presented annually to a student majoring in agriculture at a FLORIDA institution of higher learning and can be continued up to 4 years for each high school senior receiving the initial award. To be eligible for the scholarship:

  1.   A nominee must be a graduating high school senior from a county that annually places a county agricultural exhibit in the North Florida Fair.
  2.   A nominee must have indicated through 4-H, FFA, or related activities a sincere interest and potential ability in the field of agriculture.
  3.   A nominee must have achieved an acceptable senior placement test score and acceptable grade point average in high school and must maintain acceptable academic standing to continue receiving the stipend. The recipient must also maintain continuous enrollment with not more than one semester or summer off between two consecutive terms.

Nominations for the scholarship must be made by a County Extension faculty member or a Vocational Agriculture instructor submitted to the selection committee. Applications are due by March 28th, and recipients are selected by April 15th of each year.

2024 Recipient(s) are:

Ms. McKenzie Locke of Washington County, daughter of Jeff and Sule Locke, is an A honor student in her last year at Chipley High School and is a dual enrolled student at Chipola College.  Her accomplishments include completing four agriculture industry certificates, two ServSafe Certificates, being an active member of the Chipley High School BETA club, the Chipola College Student Scientist Association, Chipola College Pre-Med Society and a member of Chipola College Phi Theta Kappa Nu Chi Chapter.  After high school, McKenzie plans to attend the University of Florida to work toward her degree in Animal Science and pre-veterinarian Medicine.

To use McKenzie’s words “Being involved in FFA and 4-H has allowed me to explore, experience, gain knowledge and appreciation, and form a passion for the agriculture industry.”  McKenzie has been involved with FFA as Secretary, President and Co-Chair and 4-H Livestock Club as Parliamentarian and Vice-President.  She has raised and shown beef cattle and poultry for many years competing in Livestock and Horticulture contests at the North Florida Fair.  McKenzie has been volunteering/shadowing at the Marianna Animal Hospital to gain knowledge and experiences, learning valuable skills to take with her to college. During her time at Marianna Animal Hospital, she immediately fell in love with working with the animals and knew that this was the career path for her.

Ms. Carolina Harrell from Gadsden County, daughter of Bamala Harrell, grew up on a rural farm with her family.  She is in her final year at Liberty County High School and plans to attend Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in the fall. Carolina will work toward receiving a bachelor’s degree in animal science and then has plans to transfer to the University of Florida for her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.  Among her many accomplishments, Carolina has completed agriculture industry certificates, a ServSafe Certificate, is an active member of BETA club, went to State with FFA for vegetable, poultry and livestock evaluation and to National with FFA for poultry evaluation.

Carolina has been involved with FFA as Secretary, Reporter and President and 4-H Livestock Club as Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President.  Carolina has participated in the Junior Beef Show since she was 9 years old and has competed in Livestock judging contests.  She has served on the North Florida Fair Youth Advisory committee from 2022-2023.

Carolina has written “I have been around animals for most of my life.  My love for animals has grown more and more over the years.  When I was little, I told my parents that I wanted to become a veterinarian.”  Carolina is moving forward to make that young dream come true.

The North Florida Fair Association applauds its 2024 Lloyd Rhoden Agriculture Scholarship winners.  Since the scholarship began, more than $196.000 has been made available to recipients to further their education.


The purpose of the North Florida Fair Youth/4-H/FFA Livestock and Animal Shows is to develop leadership, citizenship, a sense of understanding, self-assurance, sportsmanship, and an attitude of dependability in youth. Its aim is to provide meaningful experiences that will help youth develop into responsible, mature adults. The North Florida Fair Judging Events serve to teach the fundamentals of good animal husbandry, to emphasize quality in livestock and animals, and to demonstrate the finer points of showmanship and exhibition. In addition, they provide a suitable environment where youth can become better acquainted with other youth and adults and compete for recognition in an ever-growing complex society.

All exhibitors are cautioned to read carefully the following rules and regulations, as they will be enforced strictly, with no deviation. The North Florida Fair will be held on the Fairgrounds, November 7 – November 17, 2024.

The North Florida Fair Association reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and to arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regards thereto, or otherwise arising out of or connected with or incident to the Show, and the right to amend or add to these rules as its judgment may determine. An exhibitor who violates any of the following rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to such penalty as the North Florida Fair may order.

1. All livestock exhibits will be under the direction of the North Florida Fair Association, but the Association will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article exhibited by him/her and for its description as given in the on-line catalog, and shall indemnify the North Florida Fair Association against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as damage or injury to any other person or property, caused by the exhibitor or any of the animals exhibited by him, or arising out of, or in any way connected with such exhibition of any of the animals so exhibited.
2. The management reserves the right to remove from the grounds any exhibit, animal, or fowl that may be falsely entered or may be deemed unsuitable or objectionable, without assigning a reason therefore, and if necessary, to return any money already paid for the space or stalls, which shall exonerate them from any claim whatsoever on the part of the exhibitor or purchaser.
3. Competition is open to the world unless otherwise stated in special rules governing a particular department.
4. Certificate of registration: All animals in the breeding classes must be recorded in recognized books of record for their respective breeds. Exhibitors must produce certificates of registry at the request of the superintendent in charge.
5. Ownership: Exhibitors entering an animal in any other than the name of the bona fide owner or owners, or showing an animal in a class for which it is not eligible, may, at the discretion of the management, be barred from further showing, and any or all premiums previously awarded may be forfeited. Entries that have been erroneously entered will be transferred to their proper classes prior to judging. Animals owned in partnership may be entered in proper classes in one owner’s name, but must appear under this ownership in all classes entered.
6. Health requirements: Health Certificates meeting requirements set forth under Health Regulations printed in this Premium List are required on all animals. Diseased animals are barred entry (at all times) into the Fairgrounds area. Superintendents are instructed and authorized to refuse unloading privileges to animals showing any signs or characteristics of disease. Inspectors will check health papers upon arrival.
7. Breeder Affidavit: Barren animals will not be eligible for breeding classes; an affidavit that the animal is a breeder must be furnished on request.
8. If an exhibitor has been disqualified from competition in a major show or has had a premium withheld or withdrawn on the grounds of rule violation, misrepresentation, fraud, or deception he/she will not be allowed to compete at the North Florida Fair.
9. To be eligible for entry, exhibitors and their livestock must meet and adhere to the requirements of Special Rules listed under the appropriate department or departments (in subsequent pages of this premium list).
10. Entry Forms: All applications for entry must be typed or printed on current official North Florida Fair entry forms in accordance with instructions on same, giving class, division, and department numbers, birth dates, registration numbers and all other necessary information. Incomplete entries will be returned to exhibitors. These entries, after being signed by the exhibitor, are to be filed in the North Florida Fair Office and accompanied by any entry fees due.
11. Acceptance: In all cases, the management reserves the right to reject, accept or accept conditionally, an application for entry, and does not guarantee space in the exhibition buildings.
12. Signature Required: Each exhibitor (and exhibitor’s parent or legal guardian if exhibitor is a minor) must sign a statement acknowledging that he/she understands and will abide by the liability requirements and rules and regulations of the North Florida Fair. If the exhibitor does not sign this statement (contained on the entry form), his/her application for entry will not be accepted.
13. Social Security Number Required: Premium payments of $600 or more will not be made without correct social security number being provided as requested. The Fair may be required to report payments to the Internal Revenue Service for compliance with current law.
14. Entry Fees:
$10.00 per head (Beef Cattle)
$10.00 per head (Goats)
$8.00 per Group (Goats)Entries close October 1st. Entries postmarked after that date will be subject to management approval and availability of stalling in the barn. Entry fee per animal will double for entries postmarked after the deadline, if accepted.  All fees due must accompany entry forms.
15. Cancellations or changes must be made no later than October 15th. Change in ownership is not a substitution but constitutes a new entry.
16. Refunds: There will be no refunds for amounts less than $15.00 and no refunds of any amount after October 15th.
17. Group Classes: All entries for group classes must be shown in their respective single classes. Animals to comprise a competitive group need not be named in application for entry, but exhibitors should indicate in which group class they expect to compete.
18. Exhibits that have been erroneously entered may be transferred to their proper classes prior to judging. However, the management will determine each matter upon its merits
19. DEADLINE: Entries must be postmarked no later than October 1st. Strict adherence is paid to entry deadline dates. Entries postmarked no later than entry deadline will be accepted on receipt subject to the reservations in previous rules.
20. Late Fee: All entries postmarked after the deadline date or entries that are hand delivered to the North Florida Fair after this date will be charged double the entry fee, if accepted.
21. Tag Number: Each entry in the Fair will be assigned a number. This number will identify animals in the show and will correspond with the Official Livestock Catalog number and must be displayed properly when the entries are being judged.
22. Vehicle passes will be issued to exhibitors for vehicles pulling trailers. All vehicles with vehicle passes must park in designated parking lots. All other vehicles must park outside the gates in the general public parking lots.
23. It is the intent of the Show Committee to make the livestock barns accessible to the general public, therefore no parking is permitted next to the barns. Show Management will appreciate the cooperation of the exhibitors in promoting their breeds of livestock.
24. Noncompliance: Exhibitors not cooperating with security personnel or officials of the Show in all matters of policy, including parking, will have their entries cancelled and will be ordered to remove their exhibit from the grounds immediately.
25. Policies of selecting judges and of determining judging systems rest solely with the management.
26. Judges will be familiar with all rules, regulations, and procedures of the North Florida Fair.
27. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases and no appeal will be considered except in cases of written protest. In cases where fraud, misrepresentation, error, or collusion is discovered after awards have been given, the North Florida Fair management or such referee as may be appointed, may make a decision regarding final placement. Such cases may be appealed in writing to the Livestock Committee from whose decision there will be no appeal.
28. If any exhibitor or his representative interferes in any way with the judges or shows disrespect to them or to the Show Committee, the management may withhold from such exhibitor any premium monies that may have been awarded or take any other steps deemed desirable.
29. Judging will not be delayed for animals entering the arena late. Any exhibit not presented promptly at the scheduled time is barred from competition in the class. Protest that the judges overlooked exhibits will not be considered.
30. No one will be allowed to act as judge in the ring or class in which he exhibits or in which he may hold an interest.
31. Judges must not award a prize to an unworthy exhibit. It is the intent of the Association that no premium or distinction of any kind be given any animal that is not deserving. In cases where only one animal is being exhibited which may be either first, second, third etc. Only first prizewinning animals are eligible to compete for championship honors.
32. Protests against an award and/or eligibility must be made in writing to the Manager of the North Florida Fair and accompanied by an affidavit and a deposit of $50.00 within twenty-four (24) hours following the designation of such award. In case the protest shall not be sustained, the deposit shall be forfeited to the North Florida Fair. The Livestock Superintendent will notify the exhibitor of the protested animal or article of such protest, and both parties shall then have ten (10) days in which to bring testimony in the case to be submitted to the Livestock Committee. The protested award will be held in abeyance until the final action of the North Florida Fair Association.
33. The Livestock Committee will consider no other protest.
34. Animals Well Being: Management reserves the right to remove any exhibitor from the grounds who is deemed to be mistreating any animal.
35. Bedding: The official bedding of the North Florida Fair is wood shavings in all livestock/poultry barns.  Goat exhibitors will be allowed to use straw on top of the existing bedding.
36. Tie-outs: Cattle must be tied out after 9:00 p.m. each evening in areas designated by management, for cleaning of barn.  In the designated tie-out area, the exhibitors will be permitted to use only straw bedding.
37. Signs: Livestock exhibitors are permitted to display a sign or banner over their exhibits advertising their own herd or farm. This sign or banner shall be of reasonable size so as not to obstruct the view of the exhibitors’ signs or exhibits of livestock. Signs not to exceed 22 x 28 inches may be used to advertise individual animals within an individual exhibit. The management reserves the right to have objectionable signs removed.
38. Posting of signs is not allowed outside the barns or any area inside the barns other than in the exhibitors’ assigned spaces.
39. All owners and those in charge of property or livestock shall care for, guard, protect, and preserve the same. The North Florida Fair will not be responsible for any loss or damage.

The North Florida Fair enforces the IAFE (International Association of Fairs and Expositions)
Code of Show Ring Ethics
For a copy please contact the North Florida Fair at: [email protected]

40. Dogs: Only properly marked Service Dogs will be permitted on the Fairgrounds. Dogs are not allowed in livestock barns.
41. Nurse Cows will not be allowed on the Fairgrounds.
42. All articles and animals for exhibition must be in their places, with all rubbish and waste cleared away by 3:00 p.m. each day.
43. Arrival Time: All animals must be in the barn by the time and date specified on this website or in any printed material under individual shows. Early arrivals will be required to spend the night in the tie-outs.
44. Departure Time: All animals must be out of the barn on the date and time of their release as specified in this book under individual shows. They may spend that night in the tie-outs but must be off the grounds by 9AM the following day.  4-H Dairy Show exhibits must leave beds clear of rubbish, manure, and straw/hay before departure. Premiums will not be paid until clean up has occurred.
45. Early Departure: Any animal on exhibition may not be removed from the grounds prior to its release as specified in this book under individual show. They may spend that night in the tie-outs.
46. When an exhibitor is called upon to furnish one or more animals for the students’ judging contest, he will be expected to cooperate with the Show. Refusing to allow his/her animal to be used in this manner, for cause not meeting with approval, will forfeit any prizes he may win or such other action as the Association deems necessary. Insofar as possible, only animals from those willing to cooperate will be used. Selection will be made under the direction of the department superintendent.
48. No demonstrators, trophies, decorations, portals, fountains, signs, banners, (except as allowed in rule #38), advertising matter, or exhibits of any kind or character will be allowed in the aisles or public passageways or attached to the Show buildings’ walls, posts, or doors.
49. Trimming chutes will be assigned locations in the tie space area. No chutes allowed in aisles of the cattle barn.
50. Exhibitors of Champion and Grand Champion winners must make themselves and their animals available for the taking of official photographs and must remain at the Show until animals are released to commission agents; those photographs are to become the property of the North Florida Fair. Only the photographers displaying the badge of “Official Photographer” are authorized to take photos for resale on the Fairgrounds.
51. The North Florida Fair Association will mail Premium checks (except where otherwise stated) 30 days from the last date of the Fair.
52. Appropriate ribbons will be awarded in all classes not designated for buckles, plaques, or rosettes, etc.

Vehicle passes will be provided for vehicles transporting livestock or exhibitors. These tags will allow the vehicle, trailer and all occupants entrance to the grounds. Additional passes may be purchased from the North Florida Fair Office. Should an exhibitor enter in different shows or departments, only one set of passes will be provided.

For Rules for Exhibition as required by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, write to:

Division of Animal Industry
Dr. Michael Short, Animal Industry Director
Mayo Building
407 S. Calhoun Street, Mail Stop: M7
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0800
Or call:
850-410-0900 Fax: 850-410-0957

Chapter 5C-4
Admission of Animals for Exhibition

Go To:

Note: Tuberculosis and Brucellosis rules apply only to dairy cattle and dairy goats.

REMEMBER – Livestock Entry Deadline is October 1, 2024